On-Line MeditationsOnline Meditations

Close your eyes and don't stop thinking! Whatever you do, stop focusing on stopping your thoughts, on having a perfectly still mind, whilst connecting to the cosmos!!

Sitting Meditation is not about trying to do anything. It's about simply accepting what is happening in this moment. It's about connecting to the breath. It's about becoming a member of the Now Club.

Would you like to have a bit more of that, now? If so – perhaps look into our Heart Spun online meditations.

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Hoop MeditationsHoop Meditations

NIRVANA – a Sanskrit word for "blown out". Like blowing out a candle.

How would you like to instantly blow out the busy-ness of mind, and blow in a state of mind-less-ness? This is possible, often instantly, when you spin a hoop around your waist.

It engages the Dai Mai "belt" (solar plexus) – which is responsible for regulating the upward and downward motion of Qi (energy). And when this happens – POOF! Away those thoughts simply disappear in one big swirl – and what is left? NIRVANA!

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